19 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Measurements Change Dramatically Depending on the Methodo...
Benoit Mandelbrot asked his famous question “How long is the coast of Britain?” long before this symposium was written, but it perfectly captures the sort of puzzle people in this crowd love. The question seems simple. Just look it up in the encyclopedia. But as Mandelbrot observed, the length of the coast of Britain depends on what you use to measure it. If you draw lines on a map to approximate the coastline, you get one length, but if you try to measure the real bumps in every inlet an...David Brook's relating Benoit Mandelbrot's experience measuring the British coast.
29 MAY 2013 by ideonexus
Metric System Adoption Must be Emergent
Thanks for your petition.
There’s a lot of history here. Right after the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson signed legislation that made it "lawful throughout the United States of America to employ the weights and measures of the metric system in all contracts, dealings or court proceedings." In 1875, the United States was one of the original 17 nations to sign the Treaty of the Metre. Since the 1890s, U.S. customary units (the mile, pound, teaspoon, etc.) have all been defined in terms of...The government can't impose it's adoption, and can only encourage and enable it. Switching to the metric system must begin at home.
22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
International Environmental Year Project
We don't have a perfect understanding of Earth's systems and processes; it may be unachievable in the face of such complexity. However, we continue to develop imperfect but useful mathematical models, and we have beer able to isolate physical variables in the laboratory. We should celebrate our capacity to learn quickly about such things; and we need to continue funding the search for this vital information. We may need to commit to an International Environmental Year project similar to the I...Gingrich calls for something similar to the International Geophysical Year of the 1950s, which enlightened humanity to many facts about the workings of the Earth.